
Chronic Disease Management Programs–Sun Health

Sun Health’s Vice-President of Business Development, Jennifer Drago, discusses Sun Health’s Chronic Disease Management Programs. Sun Health strives to meet the needs of families and individuals in the community facing chronic illness. The programs are designed to keep individuals in their homes and reduce the need for institutionalization and hospitalization. For more information, visit or call 623-832-WELL (9355)

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Living Well With Chronic Illness–Sun Health

Ronald Guziak, President and CEO of Sun Health, discusses Sun Health’s Chronic Disease Management Programs. Sun Health strives to meet the needs of families and individuals in the community facing chronic illness. The programs are designed to keep individuals in their homes and reduce the need for institutionalization and hospitalization. For more information, visit or call 623-832-WELL (9355)

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Dealing With Dementia–Marty Finely CBS 5 News

West Valley Dementia Expert Offers Holiday Tips for Keeping People with Dementia Safe during Holiday Festivities The holiday season provides an ideal setting for reunions with family and friends, but it can also pose a unique set of challenges for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. As loved ones get together to celebrate this year, modifications for a safe and enjoyable celebration are needed to ensure older relatives are protected. Marty Finley, a dementia expert for Sun Health’s Memory Care Navigator program, has spent 20 years of her career focusing on the needs of families coping with dementia. Finley offers these top five practical and simple tips for keeping those impacted by dementia out-of-harm’s way and happy throughout the holidays: • Consider the emotional impact – The holidays can be especially difficult for individuals with dementia because it can bring a sudden change in environment and routine. Suddenly the individual with dementia is in someone else’s home and there are a lot of people, a lot of noise and other stimuli. It can be overwhelming. • Remove throw rugs and area rugs – While these decorative touches provide an added design element to a room or empty space, they can also create a falling hazard for dementia patients. • Exercise planning restraint – Take a conservative approach to activity planning. A smaller guest list and a lighter itinerary of holiday activities can minimize the opportunity for over stimulation and increased confusion for a dementia patient. • Be aware of steps and changes of elevation – Even if it’s only a single step drop into a living room or den, when someone’s judgment is impaired by dementia, a single step may present more of a hazard than an entire flight of stairs. • Scale back the nick-knacks –

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Follow-Up Care After a Heart Attack–Care Transitions

A short testimonial from Albert J. Liedel of Sun City Grand, Arizona. He was the first patient cared for by the Sun Health Care Transitions program, after a heart attack in fall 2011. The program, a partnership between Sun Health, Banner Boswell Medical Center and Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center, assists recovering patients in self-managing their condition and, in turn reducing their need to be rehospitalized. In addition to providing patients with peace of mind and dedicated support following their hospital stay, Care Transitions also assists in preventing unnecessary re-admissions or non-emergent visits for prominent conditions such as congestive heart failure, heart attack and pneumonia.…

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Follow-Up Care After a Heart Attack Pt 2–Care Transitions

Joe Waddell suffered a heart attack in late 2011. He was admitted to Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center in Sun City West, Arizona, and upon discharge joined the Sun Health Care Transitions program, a partnership between Sun Health, Banner Boswell Medical Center and Banner Del E. Webb. In this video, Joe and his wife Patricia share their thoughts on the Care Transitions Program and how it helped Joe’s recovery. Sun Health Care Transitions’ nurse managers work directly with care teams at both hospitals to identify patients for whom the program would be a valuable resource. Once identified, the nurses help participants understand and adhere to medication schedules, provide education about their chronic condition(s) and what to watch for, ensure the patient receives timely follow-up care, and connects them with other community resources such as transportation or home-delivered meals. For more information about the Sun Health Care Transitions Program, please call (623) 832-4300 or visit

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Hand Surgeon Dr. Damon Adamany of the CORE Institute

This month’s Sun Health Community Education video features one of the area’s top hand surgeons: Dr. Damon Adamany. He talks with us about top hand injuries, innovative ways to treat them and what makes the Banner CORE Center for Orthopedics special. To learn more about Sun Health, please visit

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Follow-Up Care After Hospitalization–Care Transitions

Since its launch in November 2011, Sun Health’s Care Transitions program has successfully reduced hospital readmissions for nearly 200 chronically ill Medicare patients at Banner Boswell and Banner Del E. Webb medical centers. Less than one year later, the program has received national acclaim. Recently, Sun Health Care Transitions was named an Outstanding Leader in Population Health in the Collaborative Strategies Track during Care Continuum Alliance’s (CCA) annual Forum 12 educational conference in Atlanta. The program was honored for its ability to create partnerships with Banner Health that reduce re-admissions, save costs and ultimately enhance the health of the community.…

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Most Common Hand Problems–Dr Damon Adamany

This month’s Community Education video features one of the area’s top hand surgeons, Dr. Damon Adamany. He talks with us about the most common hand injuries. To learn more about Sun Health, please visit

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Accessing Vital Information in a Medical Emergency–Sun Health’s Vial and File of Life

Vial of Life contains an easy-to-complete medical form that your loved ones and medical personnel can quickly access in an emergency. Simply place the vial with completed form inside your refrigerator. The vial also includes a window cling to alert emergency personnel to look for your Vial of Life when responding to your home in an emergency. Have a Vial of Life and need to update your form? Simply click on this emergency medical form, which is pre-formatted and easy to populate. The File of Life is a portable flash drive that holds emergency medical information including: — Easy to follow instructions — Pre-formatted and easy-to-populate emergency medical forms — Extra storage for additional members’ information. Store the flash drive on your key chain or in your purse, and take it with you when traveling or exercising.

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