Diabetes Self-Management with Sun Health’s Center for Health & Wellbeing

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Bonnie Boyce-Wilson has a family history of diabetes. When her doctor informed her that her A1Cs were higher than he’d like to see them, he told her that she needed to watch her diet and exercise more.

On her own, Ms. Wilson was not having the success that she would have liked to see in her dieting and exercise. That’s when she learned about the Sun Health Center for Health & Wellbeing in Surprise, Arizona.

At the Center, she learned about valuable one-on-one counseling for Weight Management, Exercise Classes and Diabetes Self-Management. With the help of the Sun Health Center for Health & Wellbeing, Ms. Wilson has successfully overcome her diet and exercise challenges, and has her diabetes under control.

To learn more about the many educational health and wellness classes offered by Sun Health’s Center for Health & Wellbeing, please contact us today at 623-832-WELL (9355) or visit www.sunhealthwellbeing.org.

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