Cancer Support Resources

June 3, 2018, marks National Cancer Survivors Day, a time to recognize those living with cancer and to raise awareness of the issues that cancer survivors face beyond treatment. Research shows that tapping into cancer resources can provide patients and families with accurate, up-to-date information, which can decrease stress, offer hope and improve quality of […]

Healthy Together

Fitness is a family affair for three generations By Alison Stanton To say that Mia Ciotola is close to her mom, Donna Allen, and her grandma, Dolores Thomas, is an understatement. The three women text and phone each other frequently and get together as often as they can. “We are definitely a close-knit family,” Mia […]

Overcoming Depression in Older Adults

Anywhere from 1 to 5 percent of older adults living in the general community have major depression, notes Mary Ann Zimmerman, MC, LPC, Managing Director of Mindability. “However, the rate rises to over 13 percent and higher for those in home health care and hospital settings,” Ms. Zimmerman says. When older adults feel they may […]

Kidney Health 101

Learning about chronic kidney disease and how to keep kidneys as healthy as possible By Alison Stanton As we get older, our kidney function will naturally begin to decline. “After the age of 40, kidney function will commonly decrease, due to the loss of kidney cells called nephrons,” says Mandip S. Kang, M.D. FASN, a […]

Nutrition for Kidney Health

According to Tracy Garrett, a registered dietitian nutritionist with the Sun Health Center for Health & Wellbeing, promoting healthy blood pressure and blood sugar levels are the biggest factors in the prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). “For those who want to prevent CKD, the emphasis is on a healthy, balanced eating plan, which would […]

Romance and Heart Health

Positive relationships can have a definite effect on blood pressure, circulation, weight and sleep quality By Allison Stanton Around the world, the heart shape is recognized as a sign of love. This symbol and its meaning are especially popular this month, as store shelves are bursting with heart-shaped boxes of candy, pillows and other Valentine’s […]

A Chuckle a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Recently, a man went to his doctor because he was not feeling well lately. The doctor examined the man, left and returned with three pill bottles. The doctor said, “Take the green pill with a big glass of water in the morning. Take the blue pill with a big glass of water after lunch. Then, […]

A Chuckle a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

In recognition of Global Belly Laugh Day on January 24, Sun Health reminds you that laughter and smiling can have an instant positive effect on your health and wellbeing. Recent scientific studies have proven that humor can reduce pain, decrease stress and improve quality of life. Researchers believe the ability to laugh — either naturally […]

Meditation and Mindfulness

How they help with physical and emotional health, and tips on practicing them By Alison Stanton As Sally Charalambous has discovered firsthand, an important key to physical, emotional and spiritual health involves a concept known as mindfulness. Sally, a retired registered nurse, who teaches group classes on meditation for Sun Health, says mindfulness, especially as […]

Mindfulness during the Holiday Season

This time of year can be especially busy and stressful for many people. “If during the holiday period, all we focus on is doing and overdoing, we can expect chaos,” Sally says. “However, we can choose differently. There is more to life than getting and having; with meditation and mindfulness, we can focus on being […]

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