Prevent or Overcome Burnout using the “Three R” Approach

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By: Teri Elkins, MPH, CHES

Health and Wellness Coordinator / Diabetes Prevention Program Coordinator

Everyone experiences stress. And, in short bursts it can have a positive impact on your health, such as helping you avoid danger or meet a deadline. It’s when we continually experience stress and for long period of time, you increase our risk of it developing into burnout.

The negative effects of burnout can spill into every area of your life and cause long-term changes in the body leaving a person more vulnerable to illnesses such as colds and the flu.

Because of its many negative consequences, it’s important to deal with burnout right away.

Without some form of intervention, it’s easy  for you to become stuck, apathetic, and lack any physical or mental energy to change your situation.

Dealing with burnout requires the “Three R” approach:

  • Recognize – Watch for the warning signs of burnout
  • Reverse – Undo the damage by seeking support and managing stress
  • Resilience – Build your resilience to stress by taking care of your physical and emotional health (i.e. physical activity, proper nutrition, stress management and good sleep habits)

Ready to prevent or overcome burnout?  Visit Sun Health Wellness Healthy Living class calendar today for upcoming health and wellness live webinar, on-demand classes and upcoming programs at




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