Socorro Cerda

Caregiving Help for Socorro

Socorro Cerda | Impact Story

Socorro Cerda’s days begin early in the mornings and become a blur of responsibility as she cares for her 85-year-old father, diagnosed with both Parkinson’s disease and dementia.

Meals, medications, doctor’s visits, personal care, activities to keep her father content – the to-do list is never ending. But Sun Health’s Memory Care Navigator program helps ease the load.

The program extends Socorro’s support network and provides vital information about community programs and services for her father, Bulmaro Carranza. What’s more, both Socorro and Bulmaro are Spanish speaking, and the availability of a social service expert through the program has been particularly important.

“It’s very good, it’s a huge help,” Socorro said.

The Memory Care Navigator (MCN) program, helps patients, family members and caregivers navigate the emotional, psychological and physical effects of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. The service is provided at no charge, and is funded through donations to Sun Health Foundation.

Socorro’s full-time caregiving journey began when her mother passed away and her father moved to Arizona from California to live with her family.

The father Socorro once knew had changed. Gone were his upbeat personality, easy going nature, and love of cooking. With the dual diagnoses, he was easily upset and angered. Following difficult hospitalizations, her father required more and more care.

A social worker’s referral during hospitalization to MCN was life changing for Socorro. She was encouraged to apply for a scholarship to cover the cost of adult day care, and now her father attends twice a week. The half-day breaks give Socorro time to herself, to catch up on things around the house or enjoy crocheting.

Through MCN, Socorro also received guidance on applying for state-funded services that include transportation, meals, personal care and more for her father. By utilizing these services, Socorro and her family will have more time to recharge and reconnect.

Socorro is grateful for the navigator program and those who have supported it through Sun Health Foundation.

“Thank you so much. It’s a great help,” she said. “Thank you for this support.”

About Memory Care Navigator

Sun Health’s Memory Care Navigator program can help those with memory loss and their family members and friends to identify support, services and resources that may be helpful in navigating the dementia journey. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call (623) 471-9300, or visit

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