Jim and Maria Eagar

Support Helps Jim and Maria Navigate Memory Loss

Jim and Maria | Impact Story

After 45 years of marriage, Jim and Maria Eagar had plenty of experience leaning on each other through life’s twists and turns.

So as Maria’s Alzheimer’s disease advanced and her caregiving needs increased, it was only natural that Jim would be by his wife’s side caring for her almost entirely by himself. But a series of falls and a nighttime call to 911 changed all that.

“I didn’t know what to do,” said Jim, recalling a particularly bad fall with Maria.

Thankfully, the experts with Sun Health’s Memory Care Navigator Program knew exactly how to help the couple. Following an assessment, program navigator Marty Finley was able to make several referrals for community resources and suggested that Jim explore hospice care for Maria.

The support and guidance have been invaluable for the couple – much the same way that help has improved the lives of so many other program clients.

The navigator program is designed to assist clients, family members and caregivers as they make their way through the maze of emotional, psychological and physical effects of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

The navigators work with clients and their caregivers to develop a plan of care tailored to their needs. Navigators also can serve as a liaison between clients and families, physicians, and community services. Navigators make home visits and are available by phone.

Clients praise navigators like Marty for providing so many connections – and a caring shoulder to lean on – at such critical times in their lives.

Dancing the Years Away

Jim and Marty started their path together decades ago at a single’s dance. They dove into a whirlwind romance and six weeks after meeting, they were married.

It was the second marriage for both, combining families and five children between them.

The couple enjoyed life in California where Jim, a Navy veteran, worked as an auto mechanic. By 1987, Jim and Maria had relocated to Sun City and settled into retirement.

The couple stayed busy with dances, aerobics and fitness classes at area recreation centers and outings to casinos to play slot machines.

Life began to change after Maria was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Her cognitive abilities began to decline, and she became more stubborn with Jim. The biggest change came after Maria fell in the kitchen in the middle of the night. Jim tried but was unable to help her back up by himself.

That’s when he realized he needed more help and the Memory Care Navigator Program entered their lives. Marty’s expertise has been vital for the couple.

Walking a New Journey Together

Now, a hospice nurse visits twice a week. Hospice brought in a hospital bed, which helps keep Maria in bed and decreases her risk of getting up on her own and falling.

A caregiver also comes three times a week for four hours at a time. This allows Jim to get some much-needed respite. He no longer drives but a next-door neighbor takes him to the grocery store every two weeks.

The couple’s modest home is the center of their life these days. Maria’s hospital bed is situated in the living room and she is surrounded by family photos that cover virtually every inch of wall space.

On a recent day, the curtains are drawn with a sliver of sunlight giving off the only light in the room. Maria smiles when visitors and her daughter arrive at the home; she rarely speaks anymore.

Both 93 years old, Jim and Maria are making their way through this stage of life together as they have always. But they are thankful for the Memory Care Navigator Program and Marty’s help as they travel their new journey with a better sense of direction.

About Memory Care Navigator

Sun Health’s Memory Care Navigator program can help those with memory loss and their family members and friends to identify support, services and resources that may be helpful in navigating the dementia journey. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call (623) 471-9300, or visit SunHealth.org/memorycare.

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