Celebrate Fall Prevention Awareness Day on September 22nd with these resources, plus a free event and fall risk analysis from Sun Health’s Center for Health & Wellbeing.
Falls might sound like no big deal—an expected part of aging—but many don’t realize falling is the leading cause of injuries for older adults.
According to the National Council on Aging, an older adult is treated in the emergency room EVERY 11 SECONDS for a fall, with a resulting fatality every 19 minutes.
It’s also the most common cause of non-fatal trauma-related hospital admissions for seniors, with results that can heavily impact quality of life.
The good news? Falls are not a normal part of aging and most can be prevented.
If you’re limiting activity due to a fear of falling, there are resources to help. Along with several fall prevention tip sheets available for download below, Sun Health is also proud to offer its third annual “Stand Up to Falling Down” event on Fall Prevention Awareness Day, September 22nd, 2017. In addition to demonstrations and presentations from health experts, a free individual fall assessment is available to those attending the event, provided they schedule their appointment in advance. Click here to learn more.
“Fall prevention is a team effort that takes a balance of dedication, intervention and community support,” says Kathleen Cameron, senior director of NCOA’s National Falls Prevention Resource Center. The following tip sheets are available from the NCOA and packed with smart advice that’s easy to follow.
- 6 Steps to Protect Your Older Loved One from a Fall
- Debunking the Myths of Older Adult Falls
- Osteoporosis, Falls & Broken Bones
Why not download them to share with your loved ones or friends today, and join them at the event? (Learn more here.)