If you are considering retiring from driving and looking for area resources, the following information and classes may be helpful to you.
Northwest Valley Connect (NVC)
Call 623-282-9300 or visit northwestvalleyconnect.org for assistance in meeting your transportation needs and to learn more about donating a vehicle. NVC offers:
Assistance in Locating Area Transportation Resources: NVC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing transportation information, group trips and volunteer rides for seniors and those with disabilities.
Vehicle Donations: Many nonprofits, including NVC, will accept vehicle donations and use the proceeds to fund community services while providing you with a welcomed tax deduction.
Upcoming Classes:
The following classes are presented as a community service by Sun Health in partnership with other local organizations. Registration is required. Call 623-207-1703 to register.
Memory Loss: When to Take the Keys
Thursday; Jan. 18; 9 a.m. to noon
Grace Bible Church, 19280 N. 99th Ave., Sun City
A full description of this half-day seminar is available on page 12. Registration is required.
Transportation Options for the Northwest Valley
Monday, Feb. 5; 9:30 to 11 a.m.
Sun City West Foundation – Webb Room,
14465 W. RH Johnson Blvd., Sun City West
Join representatives from NVC and Valley Metro to learn about transportation options available to local residents. Speakers will discuss public transit options, Dial-a-Ride, wheelchair-accessible options and low-income opportunities, and how to access each type
of transportation. Registration is required.