Meet Our Memory Care Navigator

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Deanna Zamorano has recently been hired as a Memory Care Navigator at the Sun Health Center for Health & Wellbeing. Deanna holds a Master of Science degree in Healthcare Delivery from Arizona State University and is a Registered Nurse. Additionally, she has a Clinical Case Manager certification (CCM). With over ten years of experience in healthcare and healthcare management, Deanna has worked in memory care, behavioral health, and the public health setting managing federal grant programs. Deanna’s passion has always been to empower individuals through education, helping them to make well informed decisions about their health.

The Memory Care Navigator program is designed to help family members and caregivers who have a loved one with dementia by providing them with valuable resources. This program is especially meaningful to Deanna because she was a caregiver for her grandmother, Teresa, who was diagnosed with dementia. Before Teresa went into hospice care and passed away in 2021, Deanna still personally faced the struggles and challenges of caregiving for a loved one in the home, even with her professional health care knowledge. When she found the Memory Care Navigator position at Sun Health, she knew it would be an excellent fit with her background and personal experience with her grandmother.

The Memory Care Navigator program is a free resource, made possible by the generous funding of the Sun Health Foundation. An initial step is an in-home consultation to evaluate the needs of the family. The program provides education and resources to create a personalized resource action plan that can help caregivers and loved ones navigate life with this disease. Through different stages, adjustments can be made as the needs of this progressive disease are constantly changing. Additionally, the program offers a Dementia Caregiver Support Group, providing a community to share experiences and provide comfort through the caring process.

Deanna looks forward to helping others and being a source of comfort to people when she visits them in their homes. You can start the process with a referral form completed by a provider, family member, or friend or give us a call at (623) 471-9355.

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