Which Type of Massage is Right for You?

Are you feeling stressed, tense or burnt out? Do you have nagging pain or discomfort, perhaps from an injury years ago? For these problems, and others, massage therapy may be the answer. While it’s commonly considered a luxury, a massage is more than just something you’d expect from a trip to the spa—it’s an important […]

7 Reasons to Move Every Day

According to the CDC, one in four adults sit for more than eight hours a day. While a little rest and relaxation is fine here and there, living a completely sedentary life can be dangerous for your health. Increasing your physical activity at any age can help lower your risk factors for serious health conditions. […]

Fall Prevention 101

Six tips to minimize the risk of falling By Alison Stanton More than a quarter of adults 65 and older fall each year, and falling once doubles their chances of falling again, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And out of every five who fall, one is seriously injured. Many falls, however, […]

Healthy Body, Healthy Bones

Medication and lifestyle changes can keep bones strong Four fractured bones in just a few years. Multiple emergency room visits. And, strong medications to help with pain.  This was what one 75-year-old patient endured until she sought treatment from Dr. Kelly Krohn, MD, bone specialist and medical director of bone health at The CORE Institute, […]

Fighting Osteoporosis

How regular exercise and a balanced diet can strengthen bones and keep you fit  By Meghann Finn Sepulveda Bone loss is a natural part of aging. But, staying healthy and strong can minimize your chances of developing osteoporosis, a disease defined by weak and porous bones, which can lead to fractures and chronic pain.  The […]

Better Breathing

Preventing and Treating COPD By Shanna Hogan  The event occurred 12 years ago, but the memory of it still causes Doug Salter to wince. He had come down with a nasty cold and sore throat and coughed up blood during a coughing fit.  “The first thing that goes through my mind as an ex-smoker is […]

Prepare for Tomorrow Today

There’s no time like the present to get your affairs in order By Erin Thorburn The Boy Scout motto “Be prepared” is good advice for all stages of life, but it takes on greater import as we grow older.  Getting one’s affairs in order sooner rather than later can ensure your end-of-life wishes are followed […]

A Critical Connection

Growing evidence shows diabetes increases risk for dementia By Candace Hoffmann Researchers are beginning to see a connection between diabetes and types of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.  Anything that affects blood flow or causes inflammation can impact the brain and contribute to the changes in the brain proteins that can lead to Alzheimer’s disease and […]

Memory Loss: Normal Aging or Cause for Concern?

By Shanna Hogan Losing your car keys. Forgetting someone’s name. Mixing up words.   Who among us has not experienced one or more of these mental miscues? Most often, they are just signs of mild forgetfulness that can be chalked up to normal aging.   But, how can you tell the difference between normal age-related […]

Steps to a Healthier Heart

Sleep plays an important role in maintaining a healthy heart By Shanna Hogan  Give Paul Johnson hiking boots, a well-marked trail and the splendor of nature, and he’s a happy man. “I love the outdoors,” he says.  But the retired printing-press operator was not so happy last fall when respiratory and cardiac health issues landed […]

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