Exercise and reducing brain aging: How staying active may benefit the brain

Brain health is closely linked to exercise, which can serve as a protective mechanism to keep your body and mind in tip-top shape. While doctors recommend exercise to almost everyone, as you begin to enter retirement, exercise becomes a vital component toward protecting yourself from a wide array of physical ailments. Exercise can be as […]

Resolution Success: Sun Health’s Easy Plan for Eating Healthier

There is a strong likelihood, like millions of other Americans, that you may have indulged in extra homemade holiday sweets and an extra scooping of potatoes while celebrating the holidays. And to help make up for that overindulgence, also like millions of others, you’ve added a healthier diet and exercise to your list of New […]

Getting Back Your Lost Exercise Habit

The weather in Arizona is delightful. However, the thought of fulfilling the promise to yourself of getting back to exercising in the new year may have you feeling frightful. As Sun Health’s Wellness Specialist Alex Stark, M.S., says, the key to making sure you stay true to your New Year’s resolution of getting back to […]

Sun Health Helps Those with Diabetes Defy Risk for Developing Memory Loss

When it comes to dementia, a fact most people don’t know is that those with diabetes have a 65% higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, according to the World Journal of Diabetes. Marty Finley, M.Ed., Sun Health’s lead Memory Care Navigator says, “It’s also true that many of those with diabetes aren’t even aware they […]

Why It’s So Important to Stay Friends with Someone Who Has Memory Loss

If we have learned anything throughout the past year, it is the importance of friendships and staying in touch. This is certainly no different from someone diagnosed with memory loss. Remaining connected with a dear friend diagnosed with dementia is important. With so many challenges brought about by this disease the acceptance and support of […]

Sun Health Can Help You Take Control of Your Health

If you’re struggling to lose weight and to feel healthier, we can help! Join Sun Health’s online Diabetes Prevention Program from anywhere. Your team of coaches include a certified lifestyle coach and registered dietitian. It may be covered by insurance. Next series starts 7/27 Participants from out of state welcome! Call 844-935-5377 or visit SunHealthDPP.org

Lower your A1c levels and get control of your Diabetes

If keeping your diabetes in check is one of your goals this summer, then we can help. Our Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) series is an evidence-based program designed to assist you in decreasing A1c levels, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol, and improving quality of life. This 5-week class series is accredited by the Association of […]

Could Robots Help With Loneliness?

Arizona State University is researching how social robotics can be used to assist older adults who are suffering from isolation and depression.  ASU is asking for your participation with one of two surveys and your shared experiences will assist with a Ph.D. thesis study in the exciting field of social robotics. Participants will be entered […]

Why Taking A Deep Breath is Crucial When Hearing a Dementia Diagnosis

Relaxing is the hardest thing for anyone to do who has been diagnosed or is close to someone who has been told they have dementia (which is a decline in memory with the most common cause being Alzheimer’s disease). Sun Health’s experts in Memory Care will tell you that relaxation and using meditation techniques are […]

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